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Stream your event LIVE & FOR FREE on Sportdeutschland.TV!

Interested in streaming your own sporting events and sharing them with your fans, friends, and family?
You've come to the right place! At Sportdeutschland.TV, we make it easy, reliable, and quick to stream your content - and best of all, it's completely free!
Whether you're using your smartphone, your own equipment, or professional production tools, we welcome associations, leagues, and clubs to share their live streams with SPORTDEUTSCHLAND and showcase your content!

Stream for free

Live streaming on Sportdeutschland.TV is completely free and by offering pay content and integrating your advertising partners, you even earn money for your club!

Simple handling

Sportdeutschland.TV works like every other social network. Simply create your creator account here with just a few clicks. As soon as we verified your profile, you can directly start with your livestreams!

Various production possibilities

We offer you a wide range of options to produce your livestream: Whether with your own technology, rented equipment or simply via smartphone app! Further information can be found here.

Earn money with your livestreams

Offer your content for a fee and earn directly from the revenue - we pass on 75% of the net revenue to you*! You are free to choose the price and can of course offer your livestreams free of charge at any time!

Reach fans everywhere

Let your fans take part in the atmosphere in the arena, even when they can't be there! With over 12.000 livestreams in more than 70 sports, we are the leading sports streaming platform in Germany. Our users are already waiting for your streams!

Numerous additional features

  • Multi-platform: SDTV is available on your computer, smartphone, tablet and smart tv
  • Chat & poll: You are the host!
  • Conferences: Users can switch seamlessly
  • Extension: Integrate live streams on your homepage

*In order for creators to offer content as paid offers, they must be the rights holders and therefore can decide freely. For content from the SportA contract shopping basket, the revenue share is 50% of the net revenue due to licensing reasons. The creator sets the price (gross) and the revenue share is calculated from the gross revenue less applicable tax.